We live in an era where children and teenagers increasingly use the internet to learn about the world around them. Some of these kids even use this time to learn skills to help them later in life. There are many different sites available out there that are offering free online education to children and teenagers.
Did you know that the US government estimates that one in five children in America is currently being homeschooled? Or that approximately 3 million kids in the US are homeschooled full-time?
We hear all kinds of reasons why people choose to homeschool their kids. Some are too busy working jobs or raising families to have the time to homeschool. Others feel they are not qualified or trained to teach their kids. But what if there was a better way to homeschool your kids?
This article explores some of the best options today for those wanting to start homeschooling their kids. It will help you find the right choice for your family.
My mother is an artist, so our home was filled with art projects and music. I listened to my mother talking to her friends at my parent’s club meeting when she told them she did not believe in TV and wanted us to get a library card for books. I was amazed that my mother was very involved in my early childhood education. She had me reading on my own before school started and had me memorizing poems from memory. She also had me reading to my two younger siblings before they went to school.
What does home education mean?
Home education means different things to different people. For some, it sends their kids to school and teaches them at home. Others prefer to take their kids to school and educate them at home.
There are pros and cons to both. Home-educated kids may have less homework but miss important life lessons such as interacting with people, learning a trade, and getting a job.
They also miss out on interacting with other kids at school. Some home-educated kids do attend school, but many are left behind.
The advantages of home education
The advantages of home education are many. Here are just a few.
- Your kids are more likely to get the best education possible. When you send your child to school, they are often exposed to the same curriculum as all other kids. When you homeschool your child, they can learn what is unique about their interests and needs.
- Homeschooling doesn’t require the same amount of resources. Most homeschoolers only need a small desk and a couple of chairs.
- Homeschooling doesn’t require a huge amount of time. If you have the desire to homeschool your kid, you can do it on a part-time basis.
- Homeschooling doesn’t require a huge amount of money. Most homeschooling parents can afford to homeschool part-time without taking a second job.
- Homeschooling allows you to customize your kid’s education. You can choose your kid’s schedule and curriculum based on your goals for the year.
How can you homeschool?
While most parents are eager to start homeschooling, they often don’t know where to begin.
If you are one of these parents, here are some tips to help you start homeschooling.
- Find a reputable, accredited homeschooling provider. Start by looking for providers in your area.
- Consider the educational system in your state. States such as Texas and Florida have laws that allow for homeschooling.
- Find out about the state requirements and rules. This can include provisions on curriculum and tests.
- Find out if you are eligible for tax credits.
- Look into the local options for public schools. Some schools offer after-school programs and summer camps.
- Research the different options for distance learning. You may be able to do most of your homeschooling from home.
- Look into the available private schools.
- Decide whether you want to teach your kids independently or hire a teacher.
Why home education is so important
There are many advantages to home education. One of the biggest is that you control your kids’ learning environment. Your home is a safe and comfortable space where they can be themselves. They can learn things that might not fit into a school setting.
While you might think that you have to be a super mom or dad to homeschool successfully, the reality is that many people can do it.
Homeschooling for parents
Let me start by saying that if you are already a homeschooler, you’re probably already on top of all this. But for those of you who aren’t, there is still hope.
A homeschool mom I know reads this post on her phone while driving to work. She is a seasoned homeschooler reading this article because she wants to understand how she can help other moms do the same.
This is exactly the type of person that would benefit from this post. It’s written for parents interested in homeschooling but hasn’t done so yet.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a natural-born teacher or have a degree in education to homeschool successfully. You’re in luck if you don’t have any of those things!
The good news is that you don’t have to be a natural-born teacher or have a degree in education to homeschool successfully. You’re in luck if you don’t have any of those things!
So what is required is a willingness to learn, a strong desire to see your child succeed, and a little guidance along the way.
Frequently asked questions about Home Education.
Q: What advice would you give parents considering home education for their children?
A: When I was a kid, I was home-educated. It was an awesome experience for me, and I feel that many other parents can also benefit from it. Don’t let anyone discourage you from home educating. There are a lot of resources available for parents who are interested in home education.
Q: What was the best thing about being homeschooled?
A: I enjoyed learning how to read when I was a child, but also to understand history. My favorite subject in school was history, and my mom and dad encouraged us to study history.
Q: What was the worst thing about being homeschooled?
A: There was no social interaction. I had to learn to make friends on my own.
Top Myths About Home Education
- Homeschooling is not for kids or teens.
- Homeschoolers do not get to choose what curriculum to use.
- Homeschoolers are just lazy.
Regarding education, parents need to decide what works best for their family. Some families prefer a traditional school setting, while others prefer the convenience of homeschooling.
For many families, combining the two can be the best approach.
The best part? This method is perfect for busy parents who want to teach their kids while still getting the job done themselves.
However, if you teach your kids at home, you must ensure a system that works for you and your kids. Otherwise, you might end up frustrated and overwhelmed.
I created a home education plan to help parents get the most out of their efforts. It’s easy to implement and has helped hundreds of families already.
I’ve been homeschooling my children since they were toddlers, so I know what it takes to make it work.